
Google Changed the Design of Mobile Search

The world’s largest search engine Google changed the design of mobile search. From now on, the sources to which links are provided will be placed more in the foreground. For this purpose, the search results are not only changed in terms of font size, but also equipped with favicons.

Until now, the name of the website to which the link leads was displayed in comparatively small font below the link text. Now the name of the page is displayed much larger above the link text. In addition, the favicons of the respective websites are displayed above the actual search result.

The change will initially only affect the mobile search. Here it is irrelevant whether the search query is made via a Google app or via a mobile web browser. From now on, every mobile user will be confronted with the new display of search results.

With the redesign, Google puts the sources from which the search results originate more in the foreground. In times of “fake news” and targeted opinion manipulation on the Internet, many people pay more attention to the sources from which they obtain their information. In this context, the redesign could be understood as a method of enlightenment and identification.

However, website operators interested in the visibility of their sites should be pleased that Google is contributing to the branding of individual sites through the implementation of favicons and greater emphasis on site names.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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