
Google Drive: Files in the recycle bin will be deleted automatically in the future

In the future, users of the cloud Google Drive should pay more attention to what content they move into the trash. For example, the company has announced that corresponding data will be automatically deleted from mid-October. Previously, users had to delete content manually.

No expiration date for the time being

If a Google Drive user has moved a file to the recycle bin, it will remain there indefinitely. A final deletion was only possible, if you did this on your own afterwards. Users of other Google services are probably already familiar with this procedure. For example, the Gmail email service has been automatically deleting mails in the trash for some time now. The significant change in Google Drive is scheduled to come into effect on October 13 this year. Within two weeks, all users will be affected by the change. Of course, Google does not delete a file immediately after it has been placed in the Recycle Bin. Instead, the user is given 30 days to think about it, during which time he can restore the file. Once the 30 days have expired, the file is irretrievably deleted.

Advantages for the user

Of course, the new function also has decisive advantages for the user. After all, the files in the recycle bin have so far also been part of the cloud volume used. By automatically deleting them, Google is thus freeing up its users’ unnecessarily occupied cloud storage. The first 30 days in which a file is in the Recycle Bin, however, it still occupies the cloud storage space. Google wants to avoid a rude awakening on the part of users of the popular cloud. Accordingly, the company is currently issuing a warning to its many users. The in-app notifications are the first of these.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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