
Google Pixel to get dashcam feature

Google obviously wants to implement a new feature in its smartphones. The Pixel devices will be able to be used as dashcams in the future. Owners of a Google Pixel can look forward to another exciting feature and the dashcam manufacturers have to tremble.

Google Pixel becomes a dashcam

More and more often, car, motorcycle, but also bicycle drivers resort to a dashcam. This is to serve as evidence in an emergency. But the practical mini cameras for the road are sometimes associated with a high price. Owners of a Google Pixel can apparently save this expense. After all, the search engine giant wants to install a dashcam feature in its own smartphones. That it will come to implementation, Google apparently did not want to reveal too early. Rather, the experts from 9to5Google found the feature while sifting through a new update. Here they came across the self-explanatory “Dashcam” function. This is supposed to work like a classic dashcam, allowing video as well as audio recording while driving. The difference to the conventional camera app is the fact that “Dashcam” probably runs in the background.

This allows you to use the device normally while it records the situation. Here it becomes clear that Google was particularly important in the design of one thing: the application should be uncomplicated and not be an obstacle in the conventional use. By the way, it is really practical that the dashcam can also turn on automatically when you enter the car. All you have to do is set the function to activate when your Google Pixel connects to the car. To prevent the internal memory of your device from filling up within a short time, the app deletes all dashcam videos by itself after three days. If you don’t want that, you can disable this and also just keep the recordings.

Great alternative to the traditional dashcam

With this, Google has discovered another field that can be replaced by smartphones. It is exciting to see that, once again, the car is affected. After all, with the emergence of the first smartphones, it was also navigation devices that were slowly but surely replaced by the smart phones. With dashcams, it could now hit the next hardware. However, this makes perfect sense. After all, many don’t even take advantage of the possibilities their smartphone camera offers them. As a dashcam, the camera modules can draw from the full range and certainly provide much better recordings than is the case with conventional dashcams in many cases. Whether the feature will also come to Germany remains to be seen.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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