An industry that has been hard hit by the corona crisis is without doubt the trade fairs. The International Consumer Electronics Fair (IFA for short) is no different. The organizers have now announced that not only the public fair has been cancelled. They also have to postpone the IFA Global Markets, so popular with the business community, until next year.
Original plan not realizable
Actually at least the IFA Global Markets should take place this year. Despite Corona, the companies should be able to network with each other. All of this, of course, in compliance with the strictest hygiene rules. But now IFA has announced that not only the IFA for consumers in the classical sense cannot take place. The popular Global Markets will also be cancelled for the companies. This is primarily due to the fact that a large number of the companies come from Asia. Since these companies are either unable or simply prohibited from participating in the trade fair in Berlin, only a fraction of the companies scheduled would have been present in the trade fair halls. According to Jens Heithecker (IFA Executive Director), it is above all the travel restrictions that represent a hurdle for many exhibitors. He also said that this step had not been easy for them. After all, there were around 600 companies that were prepared to make a presentation at this year’s Global Markets. Nevertheless, the Executive Director showed understanding. After all, it is simply not possible for the companies to plan their preparations at present.
Alternative solutions
But the organizers of the traditional fair are not letting the setbacks get them down. This year they want to offer a very special radio exhibition with the IFA 2020 Special Edition. In the course of the planned Special Edition, companies that cannot participate in the Global Markets will now get a second chance. They can present themselves and their products virtually. The so-called IFA Virtual Market Place is available to them for this purpose. The IFA’s puppet masters are working flat out to ensure that companies that have not cancelled their participation in Global Markets also receive a suitable solution. They also want to make it possible for these companies to have a successful IFA 2020.
Special Edition is nevertheless to take place
Apart from the IFA Global Markets, which serves annually as a platform for suppliers, component manufacturers, OEMs and ODMs, there is a slightly modified form of trade fair. Preparations for the so-called IFA 2020 Special Edition are in full swing. This is to take place from September 3 to 5 and already includes well-known manufacturers. Besides Huawei and LG, market giants such as Miele and Qualcomm have also announced their participation. This means that this year, too, at least a touch of innovation and brand new products can be felt in Berlin.