
O2 Telefónica wants to expand 5G network on highways

O2 Telefónica announced its intention to massively expand the 5G network along German highways. This initiative aims to ensure continuous, high-performance 5G coverage along the approximately 13,200 kilometers of the freeway network.

Brief summary:

  • Additional mobile communications sites along the freeways
  • Nationwide 5G with at least 100 Mbit/s
  • Simplified approval procedures and use of federally owned land
  • Cooperation with Autobahn GmbH

Expansion of the 5G infrastructure

O2 Telefónica is planning to set up new mobile network sites along the entire German highway network. The aim is to densify network coverage and ensure a minimum speed of 100 Mbit/s. Autobahn GmbH will help to provide suitable areas for the installation of the necessary infrastructure. In addition, approval procedures are to be accelerated and the use of land made easier.

Cooperation and technology

Thanks to the cooperation with Autobahn GmbH, O2 Telefónica will also be able to develop difficult locations that were previously considered inaccessible. This will not only improve coverage, but also lay the foundation for future technological developments and higher mobile data traffic. Last year, the company already managed to make 1,500 km of highway 5G-capable.

New requirements and targets by 2030

The Federal Network Agency is planning to extend the existing coverage requirements until 2030. These stipulate that 99.5% of the area should be covered with at least 50 Mbit/s by 2030. In addition, all federal highways are to be supplied with 100 Mbit/s by 2029. Regional and state roads as well as inland waterways also play a role in the coverage requirement.

Here, at least 50 Mbit/s should be possible by 2029. The same minimum applies to district roads. However, providers have until 2030. Away from the roads, the requirement is also important. According to the Federal Network Agency, every federal state should provide 99% of households in rural areas with at least 100 Mbit/s by 2029.


The expansion of the 5G network along the highways by O2 Telefónica is a significant step towards improving the digital infrastructure in Germany. This initiative will not only improve network coverage and speed for travelers, but also lay the foundation for future technological advances. Availability and further details will be announced in the coming months.

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O2 Telefónica announced its intention to massively expand the 5G network along German highways. This initiative aims to ensure continuous, high-performance 5G coverage along the approximately 13,200 kilometers of the freeway network. Brief summary: Additional mobile communications sites along the freeways Nationwide 5G with at least 100 Mbit/s Simplified approval procedures and use of federally owned land Cooperation with Autobahn GmbH Expansion of the 5G infrastructure O2 Telefónica is planning to set up new mobile network sites along the entire German highway network. The aim is to densify network coverage and ensure a minimum speed of 100 Mbit/s. Autobahn GmbH … (Weiterlesen...)

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