
PlayStation 5 Pro Leak: More Performance and Release in 2024

A new PlayStation 5 Pro leak talks about the performance of the new Sony console, which is apparently due to be released as early as Christmas 2024. It is said to be around 45 percent faster than the PS5 and even triple the performance of the current console when ray tracing. It will also feature an upscaling technology developed by Sony that works in a similar way to NVIDIA DLSS.

PlayStation 5 Pro leak speaks of significantly more performance

Sony’s PlayStation 5 console is slowly entering the final phase of its life cycle, as Sony manager Naomi Matsuoka caused a stir with this statement in February. As with previous consoles, the Japanese company is almost certain to release a more powerful Pro model of the hardware.

Now new PlayStation 5 Pro leaks are making the rounds, promising a significant increase in performance for the console codenamed “Trinity”. The source of the leak is once again YouTuber Moore’s Law is Dead, who revealed details about the upcoming Nintendo Switch 2 last week.

However, these have now been confirmed by the website Insider Gaming, which claims to have internal documents from Sony that confirm the leak.

It states that the PS5 Pro will have significantly more power under the hood and will be designed for gaming in 4K resolution, including a new performance mode for 8K resolutions. Information from Sony’s developer portal also reveals that first-party studios have been in possession of developer units (so-called DevKits) for the PS5 Pro since September 2023, while third-party manufacturers have been able to access them since January 2024.

PlayStation 5 Pro leak: This is how powerful the console will be

If the PlayStation 5 Pro leak turns out to be true, the new edition of the Sony console will have a significant increase in performance. The pure rendering performance is said to be 45 percent higher than that of the PlayStation 5.

When displaying ray tracing effects, the performance should even be two to three times that of the current console. According to the leaks, the computing power is 33.5 teraflops, which would represent a tripling of performance compared to the 10.3 TFLOPS of the PS5.

In theory, the leap in performance between the PS5 and PS5 Pro would therefore be significantly higher than between the PS4 and PS4 Pro in the previous console generation.

New upscaling technology from Sony

The PlayStation 5 Pro leak also mentions the use of a new upscaling technology specially developed by Sony, which, similar to NVIDIA’s DLSS, uses machine learning to render and upscale images at a lower resolution and thus improve performance.

This solution is to be called PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution Upscaling (PSSR) and will allow images to be scaled up to 4K resolution. In the future, even 8K resolutions will be possible. Furthermore, Moore’s Law Is Dead reports that the image quality achieved in combination with anti-aliasing should achieve even better results than the AMD counterpart FSR2.

PlayStation 5 Pro release still in 2024

The release date of the PlayStation 5 Pro, which the two leakers are holding out the prospect of, is also interesting. According to them, the new console will go on sale as early as the 2024 Christmas season, i.e. probably in November 2024.

That would fit: The PS5 was released in November 2020, while the PlayStation 4 Pro also went on sale in November 2016. However, the leak does not yet provide any details on the price of the PlayStation 5 Pro.

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The more powerful Sony hardware may even be one of the last games consoles to see the light of day. At least if former Xbox boss Peter Moore has his way, according to whom the end of games consoles could be just around the corner.

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