
Solar energy: New technology with impressive efficiency

For many researchers and experts in the field of renewable energies, photovoltaic systems play a major role in a CO²-free future. But if you want to generate solar energy on a large scale, you need a large roof area that offers enough space for solar panels. A team of researchers has now presented a special tandem solar cell which, with new technology and an efficiency of more than 20 percent, gives hope for a future increase in efficiency.

Tandem solar cell as a game changer for solar energy?

A Chinese research team from the University of Science has great things to announce in the field of solar energy generation. The scientists have been able to achieve great results with a type of tandem solar cell, as the paper published on the project suggests. The study focused on a so-called tandem solar cell.

As the name suggests, these are made up of a total of two layers. While one layer is based on a semiconductor material called antimony selenide, the upper layer uses perovskite, which is known from many solar cells. The use of antimony selenide in particular seems to be met with enthusiasm in the world of solar energy.

This material has been rather neglected in the past. According to the research team, it was the exception rather than the rule in the production of tandem solar cells. However, the scientists have succeeded in adapting the structure of the cells so that solar energy can be absorbed much better.

Efficiency of 20.58 percent

The fact that the experimental setup is not just window-dressing becomes clear when the efficiency achieved is stated. Thanks to the special structure and choice of materials, the scientists have already achieved an efficiency of 20.58 percent with their new tandem solar cell. However, this is not a new record.

In the past, researchers have already succeeded in achieving an efficiency of around 34 percent. According to a report by Energiezukunft, however, silicon was used as a partner for perovskite in this tandem solar cell. As silicon is already much better researched in the field of solar energy than antimony selenide, the newly structured solar cell could possibly break the record in the future.

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For many researchers and experts in the field of renewable energies, photovoltaic systems play a major role in a CO²-free future. But if you want to generate solar energy on a large scale, you need a large roof area that offers enough space for solar panels. A team of researchers has now presented a special tandem solar cell which, with new technology and an efficiency of more than 20 percent, gives hope for a future increase in efficiency. Tandem solar cell as a game changer for solar energy? A Chinese research team from the University of Science has great things … (Weiterlesen...)

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