
Surprise at “Made by Google”: Pixel 9 and more

Google surprises the tech world with an early hardware event that holds many exciting innovations in store. The “Made by Google” event is not due to take place in October after all, but has been brought forward by Google without further ado. The tech company wants to present a range of new products that will make the hearts of technology enthusiasts, IT professionals and gamers beat faster.

Hardware event on the way

The fact that Google is unceremoniously moving its “Made by Google” event forward to August has surprised technology fans around the world. Now there is justifiable excitement. The tech giant has a number of new products in the pipeline. These include the Pixel 9, Pixel Fold, Pixel Watch 3 and Android 15.

Summary of the most important products

  • Pixel 9 and Pixel 9 Pro: The latest generation of the popular smartphone series
  • Pixel Fold: Google’s answer to the growing demand for foldable smartphones
  • Google Pixel Watch 3: The latest generation of the in-house smartwatch
  • Android 15: The latest operating system with innovative AI functions

Google Pixel 9 and Pixel 9 Pro

With the Pixel 9 and Pixel 9 Pro, Google is launching two new smartphones on the market that continue and develop the tradition of the Pixel series. Both models are set to impress with improved cameras, more powerful processors and an optimized display.

The new Pixel 9 can only be guessed at in the teaser video. (Image: Screenshot Google video on YouTube)

The integration of Android 15, which is equipped with new AI functions, is particularly noteworthy. These are designed to make the user experience even more intuitive through personalized suggestions and intelligent automation.

Google Pixel Fold

With the Pixel Fold, the tech giant is venturing into the foldable smartphone market. The device is designed to impress with its robust construction and innovative display technology. It offers seamless integration of hardware and software, which should be particularly interesting for multitasking and productive work. The Pixel Fold could become a serious competitor to existing foldable smartphones such as the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold.

Google Pixel Watch 3

We shouldn’t expect any major surprises with the Pixel Watch 3. Google apparently also wants to present this at its upcoming hardware event. The new XL model is likely to be the most exciting.

The watch has finally been enlarged to a diameter of 45 mm. Previously, it was only 41 mm. In the new, large model, not only the display is likely to be significantly larger at 1.45 inches. It will also certainly have a positive effect on battery life.

Android 15

Another highlight of the event is the presentation of Android 15. The tech giant’s latest operating system brings numerous improvements and new functions. The focus is particularly on the extended AI functions, which enable even more individual and efficient use.

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With features such as improved voice controls, smarter notifications and new security options, Android 15 sets new standards in the mobile operating system landscape.

When will it be released?

The “Made by Google” event promises exciting new technology that could really put pressure on the competition from Apple and Samsung. With the Pixel 9, Pixel Fold, Pixel Watch 3 and Android 15, the tech company is once again demonstrating its innovative strength and market leadership. The new products are to be presented on August 13.

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Google surprises the tech world with an early hardware event that holds many exciting innovations in store. The „Made by Google“ event is not due to take place in October after all, but has been brought forward by Google without further ado. The tech company wants to present a range of new products that will make the hearts of technology enthusiasts, IT professionals and gamers beat faster. Hardware event on the way The fact that Google is unceremoniously moving its „Made by Google“ event forward to August has surprised technology fans around the world. Now there is justifiable excitement. The … (Weiterlesen...)

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