
tado Balance: Air conditioning control for dynamic electricity prices

tado has unveiled its new tado Balance software, aimed at anyone who uses air conditioning and/or heat pumps, relying on an electricity contract with dynamic or variable pricing. It aims to minimize electricity costs.

Dynamic or variable electricity contract assumed

Most electricity contracts in Germany are based on a fixed price. This is billed for every kilowatt hour consumed – regardless of how much the energy company had to pay for it. Electricity price changes are announced in advance here and are rarely implemented. The situation is quite different for dynamic and variable electricity contracts: Here, the electricity price fluctuates enormously depending on the market situation. In many cases, it is even recalculated every hour. tado is aimed at all those who have concluded such an electricity contract. The promise is relatively simple: tado Balance is supposed to control air conditioners and heat pumps in such a way that they are preferably used at times when the electricity price is low. This is supposed to be able to reduce costs by an average of 38 percent.

In marketing this new software, tado cites a major role model: charging systems for electric cars. These also rely on the fact that the batteries of the vehicles are preferably charged at times when electricity prices are low.

tado Balance as an additional offer

Free of charge tado will not provide its new software. Who uses tado and would like to benefit from the balance function in the future, must rather conclude a subscription and pay either 3.99 euros per month or but 29.99 euros with annual booking rhythm. In view of high electricity prices, this could actually be worthwhile – provided tado Balance can keep its promise of reducing costs by an average of 38 percent. Those who are not yet convinced can test the service free of charge for a month before signing up for a paid subscription.

It must be considered in each case however also that for the use of the balance function additional hardware is needed, which must be likewise purchased. According to tado, hardware and software are compatible with the V3+ air-conditioning control over 500 air-to-air heat pumps and calculate the optimum power consumption period depending on the location of the air conditioner or heat pump. For this purpose, the location must be entered as part of the installation process. tado Balance then automatically orients itself to the local electricity prices.

Overall, tado thus continues to work on optimizing its smart air conditioning control. Only in May were last new functions of tado presented. However, unlike the balance function, these can be used without an additional subscription.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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