
Tesla Model 3 “Ludicrous” spotted on public roads

With the Tesla Model 3 Ludicrous, the electric car manufacturer wants to give its entry-level model a performance version. The first model of the power version has now apparently been spotted.

A ridiculously fast Tesla Model 3

It has been clear for some time that Tesla is planning a new version of its Model 3. This will not primarily be in terms of looks, but in terms of performance. Fittingly, the version will be given the nickname Ludicrous. The car manufacturer is thus continuing its tradition of special performance versions.

A few years ago, the Plaid version of the Model S was introduced to Tesla fans as an electric car that could accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in just 2.5 seconds. However, this was only possible if you switched to the special Plaid mode. The Model 3 Ludicrous will probably be a little different.

tesla model 3
Image: Tesla

Indications suggest that the Sport version of the entry-level Tesla may not have a separate Ludicrous mode at all. Nic Cruz Patane, a Tesla disciple and fan, claims to have discovered that there are three modes in the lightning-fast electric car. In addition to Chill and Sport, the most powerful mode is to be called Insane.

A proud 600 horsepower

In view of the acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h within 2.9 seconds, the name of the fastest of the three modes is more than appropriate. However, with a whopping 600 hp, this figure is not really surprising. The rest of the equipment also already sounds promising. There are special sports bucket seats to match the sporty technology.

Carbon in the cockpit and on the rear spoiler should underline the sporty aspect and also ensure a visually noticeable difference to the standard version. There is also to be active suspension. Meanwhile, the rumor mill is buzzing with talk of an imminent launch. After all, it is now being speculated that the first images of the upcoming E-Flitzer are already circulating on the internet.

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This is according to an article from Mashable. It refers to a post on X in which a Tesla Model 3 Ludicrous was supposedly spotted in a parking lot in Los Angeles. There may well be something to the assumption, as the parking lot is located in front of a showroom of the car manufacturer and a meeting of the company was taking place inside.

Tesla Model 3 Ludicrous for 60,000 US dollars

For Tesla, the sighting should certainly be seen as positive. After all, the freshly stirred up rumor mill might take some attention away from the Xiaomi SU7. The Chinese tech company’s electric car premiere broke real records after the start of pre-sales. However, a Tesla Model 3 Ludicrous is likely to be in a completely different league, not only in terms of performance but also price. Experts assume that the electric runabout will not cost less than 60,000 US dollars.

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