
Xiaomi SU7 enjoys great demand

With the Xiaomi SU7, the Chinese tech company wants to prove that it is not just capable of producing great smartphones and household gadgets. It also wants to conquer the automotive industry. The numerous pre-orders have already given the company advance praise.

Xiaomi SU7 with 90,000 pre-orders in just one day

The bombshell came in Barcelona in February. Xiaomi chose the Mobile World Congress 2024 to present its latest product to the public. With the Xiaomi SU7, the tech company is entering the electromobility sector without further ado. This is not entirely new. The company has already gained experience and success with e-scooters. But with the SU7, a genuine electric car is rolling towards us that should certainly scare the other car manufacturers.

Xiaomi su7
Image: Xiaomi

The focus here is primarily on the incredible price, which Tesla in particular must be afraid of. However, the US manufacturer will probably have a decisive advantage over the newcomer. In view of the fact that there are currently almost 90,000 pre-orders a day for the Xiaomi SU7, we will probably have to be prepared for a long delivery time. Given the huge demand, Xiaomi will probably not be able to keep up with Tesla’s short delivery times for the time being.

Xiaomi publishes details

The surge in pre-orders was preceded by a public event organized by Xiaomi. The tech company revealed further information about its upcoming electric car. One of the most important details was probably the price. This starts at 29,900 US dollars, which is a real challenge in view of the better technical data and equipment than the Tesla Model 3.

Xiaomi Su7
Image: Xiaomi

After the price was made public, the company then pointed out that the sporty e-car could be pre-ordered immediately. The timing could hardly have been better. In the end, the whole thing resulted in 88,898 pre-orders, as reported by Reuters. Another positive piece of news was the fact that Xiaomi plans to start deliveries at the end of April.

However, the Reuters article indicates that, for better or worse, we will have to wait a little longer. For the basic and standard models (SU7 and SU7 Pro), you will have to wait up to 21 weeks. It should take even longer for the SU7 Max, the top model. Here, the manufacturer speaks of a waiting time of up to 30 weeks.

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