Consumer Electronics, Gadgets & Accessories

A big step for mankind? – Tronsmart Apollo Bold Earbuds

Tronsmart promotes its new wireless headphones with parallels to the Apollo program. The famous Apollo program succeeded in 1969 by the advancement of the technology and the courage of humans to bring a man on the moon for the first time. The Apollo Bold headphones from Tronsmart are also intended to take the field to a new level by further developing the technology. Whether the innovations are on the same level as the moon landing or whether this comparison is just marketing, that is what we want to find out for you in this test.

Apollo Bold

Design and workmanship

Even when unpacking, the shiny bronze-colored ring that frames the user interface catches the eye. Even here it becomes clear that design is always a matter of taste, because not everyone likes the color. But inside this ring is the antenna, which is manufactured using LDS. Laser Direct Structuring offers the possibility to bring an antenna onto a 3D surface and thus not to take up any additional space as part of the actual structure. The user interface is especially symbolized again by a hand made of squares, which extends the index finger.

The two buttons can then be transported in a round, simple case and also loaded at the same time. The battery of the headphones is supposed to last 10 hours already and due to the integrated battery in the case, the headphones can be charged within 10 minutes for another hour of use. All in all, a total playing time of over 30 hours without a power outlet is possible. This is quite long enough for a weekend without electricity, as long as you lie down to sleep. The times do not refer to the full volume of course, then the playing time can also be significantly less, but we do not recommend using the headphones at full volume, because the little things have real power.

Apollo Bold Case

In terms of workmanship, the headphones fit very well into the case and don’t fall out unintentionally. So the fit in the case is no problem.

The headphones are made in a way that the different sized attachments can be changed easily, but more about that later. Before we take a look at how the headphones can be worn, let’s have a look at the scope of delivery.

Apollo Bold

Technical details

As already mentioned, the Tronsmart Apollo Bold are supplied with the Bluetooth signal by an LDS laser antenna. This is to achieve a more stable performance and less interference to the signal. In addition, this also increases the range, so that you can easily walk around the whole apartment without the connection being interrupted.

At the heart of the headphones is the Qualcomm QCC5124 chip, which was specially designed for energy-efficient audio applications and at the same time offers a wide range of features. For example, aptX audio is supported, which enables transmission almost without delay, so that videos can also be viewed lip-synchronously.

Another feature is Active Noise Cancelling. Through the microphone, which is located underneath the LED, external noise is picked up and can be almost completely filtered out by the technology. Complete filtering out is so far only possible in the lab, but the effect is clearly noticeable, so let’s take a look at it in practice.


What kind of sound quality can you expect from such small headphones? Well for sure they can’t be compared to studio headphones, but the Apollo Bold Earbuds offer a good all-round package.

They offer a decent bass, but they don’t swallow the trebles. Especially when listening to a wide variety of music, both the treble and the bass can be perceived well. At no time could we notice any overdriving of the speakers, which speaks for good quality.

Especially when you’re on the road, with conventional in-ears you often have to increase the volume when walking along a street or in noisy rooms. In these scenarios, Active Noise Cancelling is an excellent technology. When ANC is on, the ambient noise becomes quieter – but not as quiet as we would have wished. Nevertheless, this feature makes the environment less disturbing and you can enjoy your own music even when the train is full.

An additional very important feature is the ambient noise mode. This makes sure that you can clearly hear the ambient noise, for example when cycling, and that the Earbuds do not dampen it. So if you like to ride a bike and don’t want to miss out on music, you should definitely make sure your headphones are set to this mode!

Apollo Bold Earbuds


In most cases, the microphone in headphones is only the by-product. It is there, but usually not of outstanding quality. The Apollo Bold Earbuds, on the other hand, come up with a very good microphone. Even if a series is running in the background, there is nothing to hear and the voice recording is very good. Even if it gets louder in the surrounding area, the microphone tries to bring the speech into the foreground so that the conversation is still clearly transmitted.

Apollo Bold

Wear comfort

Finally, let’s talk about wearing comfort. For me this is also one of the most important points, because you don’t want to be bothered with aching ears on the road just because the headphones don’t fit. The problem here is however also that evenly not each ear is alike, why the own feeling comes through here evenly nevertheless strongly.

In my test I had to get very used to the headphones and tried all three enclosed sizes, but did not get along with them 100%. Already while walking through the apartment the headphones loosened and almost fell out of my ear. In any case, they had to be regularly adjusted in position. Nevertheless I think that the headphones should still fit most people because of the three different sizes. Only during sports could problems occur.

Conclusion on the Apollo Bold Test

The Apollo Bold Earbuds not only offer good technical data on paper, but also deliver good results in practice. The headphones have no manufacturing defects and even if the fit does not find the right hold in every ear, the headphones are convincing all along the line when it comes to sound. With features such as ANC and ambient sound, they offer everything that can be used outside the home, and the transmission range is more than sufficient even at home.

Apollo Bold

When talking on the phone with headphones, your own voice is always the clearest on the other side and the ambient noise is almost completely filtered out. Whether the Apollo Bold is related to the Apollo program or not remains to be seen, but the built-in technology is really very good and a further step forward.

Tronsmart Apollo Bold Earbuds

Wearing comfort
Value for money


The Apollo Bold from Tronsmart offers modern technology and clean sound. Only the wearing comfort was not ideal for me - but this is a very subjective criterion.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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