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Roborock Dyad in the test: What can the suction mop premiere?

If you want to be able to clean your own house as comfortably as possible in 2022, you can rely on a vacuum-wiping robot. These offer a combined cleaning system that not only removes coarse dust from your home, but also wipes it afterwards. But let’s not kid ourselves: as soon as the dirt is a bit coarser, even the suction-wipe robot won’t help. Then you have to bring out the big guns. If you want to vacuum and wipe away dirt by hand, you will of course need a suitable mop in addition to a vacuum cleaner.

Meanwhile, there are also practical combination solutions that combine both functions in one device. A very good example is the Roborock Dyad. The mop vacuum relies on an integrated rechargeable battery and can therefore also be used on the move and is reminiscent of a conventional rechargeable vacuum cleaner – just with an additional function. In theory, this all sounds great. We want to take a closer look at how it looks in practice in our test. Does Roborock revolutionize the segment of cleaning devices here?

Technical data of the Roborock Dyad

Name Roborock Dyad
Materials Aluminum, plastic
Runtime Up to 35 minutes
Load duration 4 hours
Weight 5.1 kg (without water)
Display Display of mode and batteries
Suction levels Two levels (Auto and Max)
Features Automatic self-cleaning, three brushes
Water tank Fresh water (850 ml), dirty water (650 ml)
Price 319.00 Euro (with coupon RBRDYAD)

Scope of delivery

With the Dyad, of course, we do not have the first household device from Roborock to test. The subsidiary of the Chinese tech company Xiaomi has already made a name for itself with its battery-only vacuum cleaners as well as its vacuum robots. These not only score with many functions, but also with a great workmanship. The manufacturer once again lives up to its reputation with the Roborock Dyad.

Unlike competing products such as those from Dreame, however, the company doesn’t score with a gigantic scope of delivery. Here, in addition to the Roborock Dyad itself, you also get the matching handle, a cleaning brush, a replacement filter, the charging station (including power adapter) and the matching user manual.

Design and workmanship

Connoisseurs in the field of smart household helpers, will certainly be able to assign the Dyad immediately manufacturer Roborock. This is not least due to the color scheme. Here, Roborock again relies on a combination of white, black and a bit of red. On the other hand, there is still no real comparison object from the manufacturer in terms of design. After all, the Dyad is Roborock’s very first wet-dry mop. However, if you take other devices like the Dreame H11 Max (test) as a comparison object, you can definitely see parallels.

The design is Roborock-typical discreet, but chic. The build quality is on a high level.

However, this only applies to the rough construction. Thus, the Dyad also relies on a combination of waste water tank, fresh water tank, suction unit and large cleaning brush. The functionality is self-explanatory. The cleaning brush is moistened with water from the fresh water tank to varying degrees, as required. If you then vacuum the floor, it is not only vacuumed, but also wiped. The dirty water is then sucked off and collected in the appropriate container. However, a closer look reveals that Roborock has also put a lot of emphasis on design. Unlike the Dreame H11 Max, the Dyad does not look clunky, but comes with sleek shapes.

Operation is self-explanatory and mainly takes place with the two main buttons. How to set which mode is explained in the user manual.

What you prefer, however, is ultimately a matter of taste. Roborock provides its squeegee with a practical display so that you can keep an eye on everything. However, you should not expect too much here. The user gets the most important data displayed, but not much more. Especially suction level and remaining battery are interesting information.

You can also activate the automatic self-cleaning function on the handle

Let’s move on to a huge difference compared to the Dreame and many other dry-wet vacuums. The Roborock Dyad has three cleaning brushes at once. The big advantage of the arrangement in two rows is that you can also optimally clean regions of the floor near the edges with the suction wiper. Here, the Chinese manufacturer has managed to eliminate a real Achilles’ heel of many other manufacturers. Very cool!

The display reveals the most important info about cleaning

When we talk about the design, we can’t help but talk about stability. Since, from experience, squeegees are very heavy devices, users often prefer to put them down rather than hang them on the wall. Simply laying it down is not even possible due to the risk of leakage. However, the Roborock Dyad cannot simply be placed upright. The highest of feelings is a slanted positioning. To make this possible, the manufacturer installs a stand that can be easily folded out. However, the squeegee then also takes up a lot of space.

As mentioned at the beginning, we have to praise the manufacturer’s high build quality of the Roborock Dyad again. It doesn’t creak at any point and the materials have been processed in the best possible way. Very good work!

Roborock Dyad cleaning performance

Before we go into medias res, let’s first clarify what Roborock is aiming for with its Dyad in the first place. How does the manufacturer want to differentiate itself from the competition? Looking at the combination of fresh and dirty water tank and brush unit, Roborock doesn’t seem to be reinventing the wheel. However, with a closer look at the brush, it quickly becomes clear what the big advantage of the Dyad is supposed to be. Roborock relies on not one, but three brushes here. These make it possible to clean the floor with almost no edges.

With competitor models, you usually have to live willy-nilly with a wide edge that can’t be reached by the squeegee. This is different with the Dyad. In practice, it becomes clear that Roborock’s plan is fully successful here. You have to look closely to see which part of the floor the Dyad did not reach. However, Roborock wants to pursue another goal with the multiple brush unit. Cleaning is supposed to be even more efficient than with comparable models with only one cleaning brush. How is this supposed to work? The two rows of brushes rotate in opposite directions.

Not one, but three brushes are used in the Roborock Dyad

In practice, it quickly becomes clear that Roborock’s plan is fully successful. Due to the interaction of the two rows, dirt is processed from both sides and thus wiped much more thoroughly. Even stubborn dirt should therefore not be a problem for the Roborock Dyad. A direct comparison with the Dreame H11 Max confirms my suspicions. Most likely, the new brush design of the Roborock ensures that the Dyad leaves behind better cleaning results.

The flexible joint ensures that the suction wiper is very easy to maneuver

The Dyad, by the way, promises not only to clean thoroughly, but also smartly or tailor-made. How does that work? For this, the squeegee has a special sensor that is supposed to be able to detect the degree of dirt. In practice, this feature proves to be more of a small gimmick than really useful. However, if you notice that you want more power delivered by the Dyad, you can easily increase or decrease the power manually via the control unit.

Especially on tile floors, the squeegee delivers great results

Speaking of features and operation. The Dyad is really idiot-proof to operate. All it takes here is a quick glance at the user manual and you’re good to go with the most important settings. The suction wiper offers different modes. In addition to the conventional suction wiper mode, there is also a special mode, for example, in which no more moisture is added to the floor. Here, the Dyad only vacuums the dirty water that is on the floor.

The fold-out stand is well-intentioned, but not really practical in practice.

As mentioned earlier, the Dyad differs from competitors like the Dreame H11 Max primarily in its brush unit. After all, the Roborock has multiple brushes rotating in opposite directions. As a result, the squeegee can also be operated differently than other models. It lacks a certain pull that is inevitably present in devices with one brush. However, this does not mean that the Dyad is cumbersome.

The stand is located at the back of the device.

It can be maneuvered around the home with ease, thanks in particular to the supple joint of the brush unit. However, if you have a lot of furniture with a short distance to the floor, you will have to accept that the Roborock might not fit underneath. The brush head is too thick for that. However, this is a typical problem of this kind of combi devices, which you currently still have to put up with. All in all, the Roborock Dyad delivered a great cleaning performance. There is really nothing to complain about here.

Automatic cleaning

Like the Dreame H11 Max, the Roborock Dyad also offers an automatic cleaning function, which does not clean your floors, but the squeegee itself. To activate this, you have to unceremoniously place the wet-dry vacuum in its docking station. Here, you can activate the cleaning by pressing a button. The procedure, which lasts about two minutes, ensures that the rollers are cleaned with the fresh water. Afterwards, the dirty water is simply sucked away. A hygienic feature that you no longer want to do without.

Battery power

So much power comes at a price, of course. And we don’t mean the purchase price, but the energy price. After all, three rollers at once ensure that the Roborock Dyad also requires more energy than competing models. Accordingly, Xiaomi also installs a gigantic 5,000 mAh battery here. With this, the Dyad can be used for more than half an hour for domestic cleaning. That should certainly be enough for most people. However, the 280 m² advertised by Xiaomi sound very far-fetched. But who has so much living space to check that? We think that anything under 200 m² shouldn’t be a problem for the Suction Wiper.

Our thorn in the side: the stand

As you can probably tell, I’m very fond of the Roborock’s debut in the suction mop class. But there is one thing that really bothered me in practice – the stand of the squeegee. You’re probably familiar with the problem that when you’re vacuuming or mopping, there are always little obstacles in the way that you have to clear away. While with many devices you can simply trust that they can stand without any problems, this is not the case with the Dyad. You first have to fold out a stand in order to put it in the right position. This is annoying because it is very awkward and can only be done with both hands. There is definitely room for improvement here!

Summary of the Roborock Dyad test

Xiaomi calls for its Roborock Dyad an MSRP of 449.00 euros. In view of the really very good cleaning performance, this price is quite justified. After all, you partly already pay that much if you only want to buy a pure battery-powered vacuum cleaner. Besides the reliable cleaning, we also like the build quality and the chic design of the Dyad. You can confidently place this vacuum cleaner in the living room without attracting any looks. Speaking of placement. This is where a big problem of the Roborock Dyad is located. We don’t like the questionable system with the fold-out stand at all. Here we hope for an improvement for the next generation. But otherwise, Roborock has succeeded in its premiere in the field of wet-dry mops!

Roborock Dyad

Cleaning performance
Value for money


Roborock succeeded in its premiere in the squeegee segment! There are only deductions in the B-grade.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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