THE CRE8OR SAGE” is a graphics card holder. Now the inclined reader may ask himself why such a product deserves a detailed test report. Of course, we will also address this question in this test.
A common problem with the installation of graphics cards is the fact that heavy PCIe expansion cards were not widely used when the PC standard was introduced. What is the problem? High-quality gaming graphics cards usually hang down visibly on the right due to their weight. This fact is first of all unsightly. In the long run it can even lead to damage to the PCIe slot, which is far more than just annoying. If the PC is transported frequently – not uncommon with enthusiastic gamers – the problem usually becomes even more apparent.
The graphic card holder we tested should solve this problem. One may now object that there are already solutions with holding brackets and small supports. However, it must be objected that these very solutions are either not sufficient or not practicable. While holding brackets do not lead to the desired result with larger graphic cards, supports usually originate from the 3D printer and must be individually manufactured, which makes them hardly suitable for practice.
THE CRE8OR wants to have solved the problem now and launches the product presented as a solution together with Caseking on the market. We tested it.
Packaging and Workmanship
In this case, a detailed examination of the packaging takes place before the design is considered. As this is a comparatively small, relatively less robust part, adequate packaging is ultimately more important than for other products.
The individual parts of the graphics card holder are embedded in a cardboard box with foam. The packaging looks very noble and high quality. It is also practical – the individual, sometimes fragile parts seem to be well protected by the black foam.
The holder itself includes two acrylic temples, a small black ring and a plastic part showing the THE CRE8OR emblem and the Caseking logo. The two temples are provided with small teeth and seem to be very well manufactured. The plastic part with the emblem looks less high-quality due to the material used, but also seems to have been well processed.
There is much more that can’t be said about packaging and workmanship – in the broadest sense also about design.
Installation and Function
Unfortunately there are no assembly instructions included, which makes the installation of the holder difficult at first. Now laymen would probably be completely disoriented, sometimes even disappointed. One could counter this by saying that the product obviously does not seem to be aimed at laypersons – nevertheless, we take a critical view of the lack of assembly instructions.
After a detailed examination of the individual parts, the installation or assembly appears to be much simpler than initially assumed. The teeth of the two brackets indicate how they have to be put together. The ring is already pushed over one of the brackets before assembly begins.
The brackets are then attached to the mainboard tray. Depending on the system, this can lead to difficulties if other hardware components are in the way. With some skill and minimal creativity, however, such problems can be solved – in our test it succeeds at least without major difficulties. With some enclosures, however, it may actually be impossible to attach the brackets at this point. In this case, however, it is always possible to attach them elsewhere. The ring is then pulled over the two brackets to ensure a firm connection. The assembly succeeds well in the test. The two brackets hold together well and cannot be moved apart after the ring has been pushed on.
Once the holder has been fitted, it fulfils its task to the fullest satisfaction. After mounting, the brackets hold the graphics card and protect it from sagging. This avoids sagging of the graphics card, so that the product completely fulfills its task.
Résumé of THE CRE8OR SAGE Review
Ultimately, it can be said that the product tested fully fulfils its purpose. If you have problems with hanging down graphics cards, you can always use the “SAGE” of “THE CRE8OR”. The individual parts are packaged well protected, can be easily assembled after initial orientation and ultimately ensure that the graphics card does not hang down. The difficulty of mounting also depends on the system used – in some cases it may be more difficult to mount the holder than in others. However, we did quite well in the test.
Only the missing assembly instructions are a point of criticism. Technically and technically less experienced users could face problems due to the lack of instructions. Overall, however, we can recommend the product and are satisfied.
Assembly & Features
Value for Money
The graphics card holder fully fulfils its purpose.