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Samsung washing machine error 4c – Welcome to the dry wash cycle

Are you once again standing in front of your Samsung washing machine and puzzling over the meaning of an error message? Samsung washing machine error 4c is a common problem that concerns many users. Error messages on washing machines are not only a nuisance, but usually also indicate more profound problems. Ideally, you should therefore act promptly to avoid major damage and ensure the longevity of your machine. Let’s take a closer look at error 4c together and explain how you can solve it step by step.

What does Samsung washing machine error 4c mean?

Samsung washing machine error 4c mainly occurs when your washing machine has detected problems with the water supply. There can be several causes, from simple to more complex problems. However, it is usually the small, obvious things that restrict the operation of your appliance.

  • Blocked or kinked supply hoses can prevent or restrict the water supply to the machine.
  • If the water pressure in your home is too low, this can also prevent the washing machine from getting enough water.
  • There are filters on both the tap and the washing machine itself that can become blocked and restrict the flow of water.
Note: It is important to understand that due to this fault, your washing machine will not be able to start or continue its normal wash cycle as it is not receiving the required amount of water. You should therefore definitely refrain from further use until the problem has been resolved. Although the error message will almost certainly pause the washing program again, by the time the error is even detected, the heating element will have already started up beforehand in the suboptimal case and will be damaged

Your emergency plan for a Samsung error 4c

If you see error 4c on the display of your Samsung washing machine, it’s time to take some basic troubleshooting steps. These measures are often sufficient to solve the problem and can be carried out without special tools or specialist knowledge. The best way to proceed is as follows.

Check the water supply

One of the most common causes of error 4c is a problem with the water supply. In this case, first check the supply hoses of your washing machine. They should be free of kinks and twists, as these can impede the flow of water. Sometimes a hose can become trapped when the washing machine is moved. And sometimes the appliance even shifts on its own due to a wild spin cycle. So make sure that the hoses are unobstructed and that the water can flow freely.

Also make sure that the tap that supplies your washing machine with water is fully open. A partially closed tap can restrict the flow of water. There is also a misconception in many people’s minds that you can save water by doing this – but of course this is not the case, as the machine will simply take longer to reach the programmed fill level.

It is also best to check directly whether there is any water pressure in the pipe. Because if error 4c occurs out of the blue, it may simply be that your supplier has temporarily turned off the water – for example, due to a burst pipe or as part of a maintenance measure.

Checking the filters

Clogged filters in the water supply line of your Samsung washing machine are another common cause of error 4c. When checking and cleaning, you should proceed as follows and ideally provide a bucket to collect excess water.

  1. Turn off the tap and unscrew the filter located at the end of the hose to the washing machine. The filter screen is usually directly accessible, so you do not need to disconnect the hose from the filter unit in this case.
  2. If the filter is dirty and clogged with sand, clean it thoroughly under running water and then replace it.
  3. Make sure that the screw connection is properly seated to prevent water from escaping later. There may also be a sealing ring installed, which you should pay particular attention to.
  4. Put the machine back into operation and check whether the problem has been solved. You may need to reset the fault memory to be able to try again.

Delete Samsung washing machine error code

In some cases, it is necessary to manually delete the error code from the error memory to check whether the problem has actually been resolved. To do this, simply disconnect the washing machine from the power supply for a few minutes so that it forgets the error. However, this does not mean that you are eliminating the cause at the same time. Then reconnect your appliance and start a new wash cycle to see if the error message appears again or if it was just a temporary problem (perhaps a loosened limescale deposit or low water pressure from your water company).

Other possible causes for a Samsung washing machine error 4c

If you still haven’t been able to solve your problem with your faithful companion, it’s time to start a deeper search for the cause. However, this requires you to be a little more technically savvy and not afraid to use a screwdriver and pliers. You should also disconnect your washing machine from the mains, just to be on the safe side. Also have a bucket ready, because if you have to disconnect the fresh water hose from the tap several times, a small flood is already pre-programmed.

Check the inlet valves

If the basic steps are not enough to fix Samsung washing machine error 4c, it’s time to take a closer look at the water inlet valves and the control electronics. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be an electrical engineering expert to do this. Let’s start with the water inlet valves. These small but essential components are usually located at the back of the washing machine, where the water hose is connected. They play a crucial role by controlling the flow of water into the machine and stopping any inflow in the event of a malfunction.

To check the inlet valves, first make sure the washing machine is disconnected from the mains. Next, remove the top cover from the washing machine. It may be necessary to loosen the screws at the top back first. You should already be able to see the inlet valves into which the water hose of your machine flows. Take a close look at the valves: They should be clean, free of deposits and firmly attached. Also look for signs of corrosion or other damage. If you feel up to it, you can also pull off the clips that hold the hoses in place and take a closer look inside and check for blockages or debris. If everything looks okay, you can replace the hoses exactly where you removed them, put the clamps back on and reassemble the machine and move on to the next possible source of error.

Problems with the control board

The control electronics, more or less the brain of the washing machine, may also require your attention. These can be found either behind the front panel or at the back of the machine, depending on the model. In some cases, the manual or repair manual will also provide information. Once you have disconnected the washing machine from the power supply, carefully open the relevant area. The electronics consist of a circuit board and several cables.

Check that all cables are firmly connected and that there are no loose connections. Especially after a somewhat wild spin cycle, it can happen that connections become loose. Also look carefully for signs of burns or damage. If you discover such damage, it is advisable to consult a specialist or contact customer service. In this case, you should definitely refrain from using the appliance again.

Preventive measures against problems with the water inlet

There is no doubt that a 4c error is often really difficult to rectify, especially if the cause is not immediately obvious. For this reason, you should take the following tips to heart to prevent problems with the water inlet in the future.

  • Clean the filters regularly: The filters on the water supply hoses and on the tap should be cleaned regularly. This will prevent the build-up of dirt and deposits that can impede the flow of water.
  • Checking the hoses: Check the supply hoses of your washing machine regularly for kinks or damage. A kinked hose can severely impair the flow of water. Make sure that the hoses are not pinched or twisted.
  • Keep an eye on the water pressure: Low water pressure in your home can also cause problems. It makes sense to check the water pressure occasionally and adjust it if necessary. You will usually find the pressure gauge right next to the water meter as well as a regulator to adjust the water pressure.
  • Avoiding frost damage: In cold months, you should make sure that the hoses and the washing machine itself do not freeze. Frost can cause damage to all hoses, both inside and outside the machine. This is unlikely if you operate your appliance in heated rooms. However, if your appliance is located in an outbuilding or in an unheated area, you should keep this in mind.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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