Smartphones, Tablets & Wearables

Hands fall asleep while holding a cell phone – Tips & Tricks

Every cell phone user knows the following problem: You are busy with your cell phone and scroll through the various posts. But suddenly it starts to tingle and your hands fall asleep while holding your phone.  This is not a pleasant feeling, it feels as if many ants are taking a walk on your hand. But why does it happen that your hands fall asleep while holding your cell phone and what can you do about it?

Why do hands fall asleep?

As a rule, it’s not a cause for concern at first that your hands fall asleep. On the contrary, it is quite a natural phenomenon and can have various reasons. On the one hand, it could be that you don’t give your body enough movement and thus put it in an unfavorable position. For example, if you spend hours sitting in front of your cell phone, you reduce the blood flow and thus the oxygen supply in your hands.

Another reason can be that you hold your cell phone in the same position for too long. This causes pressure points on the palms of your hands, which eventually leads to numbness.

Serious Causes

Arthritis, diabetes or carpal tunnel syndrome that is advanced are possible causes of numbness in the hands. This most commonly occurs because the nerves of the wrist are so severely affected that they become compressed and no longer work properly.

So if your hands are falling asleep on a regular basis, you might want to see a doctor.

To prevent this from happening, you should do something about the symptoms early on. With the right tips and tricks, it won’t even come to that in the future that your hand falls asleep.

Avoid stress

Usually, it’s the overwork and awkward movements that cause your hands to fall asleep sometimes. If you’re in a job where you use your hands a lot, you should think about how to take the strain off them. Of course, playing video games can also lead to overuse.

Some movements can be avoided. For example, if you often cut vegetables, a food processor can provide relief. It’s also important to give your hands enough rest. If they are very heavily used, continuous breaks should be taken so that the hands can regenerate.

Do exercises

Regular exercises will help you strengthen the nerves and tendons, and can even ensure that the nerve leading to the wrist in a tight spot does not come under pressure. However, it is important that although you feel the stretch, it does not become uncomfortable or even painful.

To strengthen the nerve, and give your hands quick relief, you can extend your arm so that the elbow is bent, the palm should be facing up. The elbow and the hand are now stretched out a little until you notice a slight pulling sensation. This exercise can also be done very well in between.

Hands fall asleep while holding a cell phone? As soon as you notice a slight tingling in your hands, it’s time to give your joints a little rest. Alternatively, you can circle your hand very slowly, but there should be no abrupt movements.

Other reasons: Hands fall asleep while holding a cell phone

However, there are other reasons why it can happen that your hands fall asleep while holding your phone.

Check body for vitamin deficiency

Often, a vitamin deficiency is also responsible for tingling and numbness in your hands. If the deficiency has been present for a long time, the nerves can become damaged and a loss of sensation in the hands and feet occurs. Affected people complain of numbness in their fingers or numb fingertips. So, if your body lacks B vitamins, the nerves can be affected.

People who rely on a vegetarian or vegan diet or take various medications are at risk of suffering from a vitamin B deficiency. You can find out for sure if you are deficient by having a blood test. Vitamin B is found in fish, meat, seafood, dairy products and eggs.  Legumes also contain a lot of vitamin B. Alternatively, you can also reach for dietary supplements, which are then taken daily.

Relieve your neck if your hands fall asleep while holding your cell phone

Another cause of hands falling asleep can also be a tense neck. Especially when we suffer from stress, we often unconsciously tense our neck muscles. Also a wrong sleeping position can be the cause for a tense neck and in further consequence for falling asleep hands.

To loosen your muscles, it is recommended to do exercises regularly. This strengthens the muscles and relaxes them in a sustainable way. Especially when you are sitting in the office for a long time, you should not forget to keep circling your shoulders. In this way, blood circulation is promoted and you don’t always remain in one position. Massages can also help soften tense muscles. This does not even have to cost a lot of money, meanwhile there are relatively inexpensive massagers.

Loosen fascia

Sticky fascia can also lead to many kinds of health problems, including numbness or tingling in the right hand. Sticky fascia is usually caused when you don’t move enough. In this way, the connective tissue loses its stable, but also supple structure. As a result, it becomes sticky, hardened and matted. If the symptoms continue to progress, the joints hurt and you feel a tingling in your hands, which is then intensified by playing on the cell phone, the consequence: the hands fall asleep while holding the cell phone.

That’s why it’s important to counteract the lack of movement. But often the movements are then executed incorrectly and then damage the nerves again. So what can you do? There are special fascia rollers or balls for the hands and feet. Unlike the usual rollers, they are somewhat smaller and are ideal for giving the hands a soothing break.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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