
Amazon removes the Echo Dot with clock from its range

Amazon recently announced that it would be removing the popular Echo Dot with clock from its range. This decision certainly has a lot to do with the launch of the new Echo Spot (2024).

Important information at a glance:

  • Amazon is discontinuing the Echo Dot with clock.
  • Production and sales are being discontinued.
  • Users will have to look for alternatives.
  • Support and software updates will continue to be provided.

Background and reasons for the discontinuation

The Echo Dot with Clock was particularly popular with users looking for a practical yet stylish solution for their smart home needs. The device combined the familiar functions of the Echo Dot with an LED clock display, which was useful for quick time checks. According to Amazon, the decision to discontinue the device is due to a strategic realignment and a focus on other product lines.

Amazon Echo Dot mit Uhr
Image: Amazon

Amazon has stated that they want to focus more on developing and improving other Echo models in the future to provide users with an even better experience. This decision is in line with the company’s general strategy of regularly updating and adapting its product range.

Impact on users

For current owners of the Echo Dot with Clock, the discontinuation does not initially mean any drastic changes. Amazon has confirmed that support for existing devices and software updates will continue. Users can therefore continue to access the familiar Alexa functions and use their devices within the scope of their current capabilities.

However, anyone thinking about buying a new Echo Dot with a watch will have to look around for alternatives. Amazon already offers various other models in the Echo series, some of which offer similar or extended functions. The latest generation Echo Dot in particular could be an interesting option, as it offers improvements in many areas compared to its predecessor.


Amazon’s discontinuation of the Echo Dot with clock marks the end of an era for this popular device. For existing users, little will change for the time being, as support and updates are still guaranteed. However, anyone looking for a new smart speaker should take a closer look at the other Echo models.

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