
Changes in the smartphone market: new trends and developments

The smartphone market is changing and is showing interesting new developments. Current reports from IDC show market growth of 6.5%. At the same time, however, there has also been a decline in certain segments such as the mid-range.

Most important features:

  • 6.5 percent growth in the smartphone market
  • Decline in the mid-range segment
  • Increase in demand for premium smartphones
  • Influence of new technologies and innovations

Growth of the smartphone market

Market growth of 6.5 percent

According to a recent report by IDC, the smartphone market grew by 6.5% in the second quarter of 2024. This marks the fourth consecutive quarter of rising sales figures.

The increase is mainly due to the increased demand for premium smartphones and the launch of new models by leading manufacturers. This positive development is a sign that the market is stabilizing after the challenges of recent years.

Vivo and Xiaomi, in particular, are growing by more than 20% in direct comparison to the previous year, although Samsung and Apple are also reporting slight increases.

Premium segment on the rise

One notable trend is the increasing focus on premium smartphones. While the mid-range segment is experiencing a decline, more and more consumers are investing in high-end devices.

This development is supported by the introduction of innovative technologies such as improved cameras, more powerful processors and advanced display technologies and artificial intelligence. Manufacturers such as Apple and Samsung are particularly benefiting from this shift, as their flagship models are attracting a lot of interest.

According to the report, smartphones with generative AI functions in particular are growing significantly and are expected to account for 19% of the market by the end of 2024, according to IDC.

Challenges for the mid-range

Decline in the mid-range segment

Despite the general growth of the smartphone market, there is a clear decline in the mid-range segment. This could be due to market saturation and growing competition from cheaper models from China. Consumers appear to be tending towards either cheaper entry-level models or premium devices, which is putting increasing pressure on the mid-range segment.


The smartphone market presents an interesting picture of growth and change. While the general market is growing by 6.5%, the mid-range segment is facing challenges. The increasing demand for premium smartphones and the introduction of new technologies are shaping the market and offer exciting prospects for the future. These developments will continue to influence manufacturers’ strategies and set new trends. The market remains dynamic and it remains to be seen how the individual segments will continue to develop.

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The smartphone market is changing and is showing interesting new developments. Current reports from IDC show market growth of 6.5%. At the same time, however, there has also been a decline in certain segments such as the mid-range. Most important features: 6.5 percent growth in the smartphone market Decline in the mid-range segment Increase in demand for premium smartphones Influence of new technologies and innovations Growth of the smartphone market Market growth of 6.5 percent According to a recent report by IDC, the smartphone market grew by 6.5% in the second quarter of 2024. This marks the fourth consecutive quarter … (Weiterlesen...)

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