
Chrysler Halcyon: Car manufacturer presents exciting concept car

Chrysler is back! If the US manufacturer has its way, the concept car that has now been unveiled will at least make a major contribution to the comeback. The all-electric sports car goes by the almost tongue-twisting name Chrysler Halcyon and has a few exciting features up its sleeve.

Chrysler Halcyon can be charged wirelessly

Chrysler does not have a major role to play in the e-mobility sector. The manufacturer’s first electric car, the “Airflow” unveiled at CES 2022, is not due to be launched until 2025. Now, however, the US car manufacturer has made a real bang and presented its idea of an e-sports car of the future with the Chrysler Halcyon (official website). It is not just the design that is futuristic, as it differs significantly from the manufacturer’s usual rather bulky models.

chrysler halcyon

The completely new body shape cannot be compared with any other vehicle currently on the market. The focus is clearly on aerodynamics. The electric car has an extremely slim shape. But it is not only the design that makes it clear that this is a concept. The charging technology also looks like a little journey back in time in the electric mobility sector. The all-electric sports car should be able to be charged wirelessly.

chrysler halcyon

The technology developed by Chrysler called Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer (DWPT) is used for this. This should enable the car not only to be charged wirelessly when stationary, but also to receive the necessary energy while driving. The prerequisite for this is, of course, a suitable road surface as a counterpart. If this were available, the Chrysler Halcyon would be charged while driving, so to speak.

Fast-charging king with 65 km per minute

Incidentally, Chrysler is already planning to develop suitable roads. At least, the company says it is currently working on it at full speed in Detroit. The counterpart to DWPT is to be called Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer Capability and could be a real game changer in the field of electromobility. However, the emphasis here is on “could”. After all, it is questionable whether we will ever see roads with this technology, which seems to have come straight out of a science fiction movie. The company also commented on the battery technology itself. An 800 volt battery is used, which is based on a lithium-sulphur compound.

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Using fast charging, this should be able to generate a range of 65 km in just one minute. Of course, autonomous driving is also a must for a concept car in 2024. There will be no classic car key here. Instead, the vehicle will be unlocked using biometric data. Once seated in the vehicle, it should then be able to drive itself from A to B. Unfortunately, further performance data is still missing. As this is a concept, Chrysler will probably continue to owe us these for a long time to come.

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