
Google Pixel 7 Pro: Users report volume rocker falling off

Once again, a problem causes displeasure among owners of the Google Pixel 7 Pro. This time, it concerns the smartphone’s volume rocker, which simply seems to fall on the casing. In recent days and weeks, the cases are piling up.

Google Pixel 7 Pro problem: Volume rocker simply falls off

In the past few weeks, reports of owners of the Google Pixel 7 Pro (our review) reporting a volume rocker falling off have been piling up. Reports about the problem were first found as early as November 2022, but the incidents have just started to accumulate since January 2023.

Among others in the Google Support Forum and also at Reddit numerous answers can be found that confirm the problem. Now Nicholas Sutrich from Android Central also reports about it, after he was affected himself.

Moreover, people who had bought the Google smartphone just a few days ago are also affected. So wear and tear can also (not always) be the reason.

It is probably a mechanical problem because the buttons are held in the casing by thin plastic clips – which apparently give up the ghost completely prematurely. It is partly possible to press the volume rocker back into the case, if noticed in time, but it doesn’t feel the same as before.

Once again, no warranty case for Google

Affected users also report that Google rejects warranty claims in this case as well. They say that this is a case of “cosmetic damage”, while Google accuses other affected users of improper use.

Others, however, seem to have received a free repair under warranty. Thus, there does not seem to be a clear, unambiguous regulation on Google’s part for the problem.

At the end of 2022, a broken camera glass also caused trouble among all buyers of the Pixel 7 Pro. The manufacturer had also refused a repair under warranty back then. The breaks are mostly circular. Different areas of both smartphones are affected – but always the glass covers behind the camera modules on the back.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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