
Huawei can slowly see light in the shadows again: The sanctions of the US government are softening a bit!

The U.S. government has put some obstacles in the way of the Chinese manufacturer Huawei. Whether it is the delivery of their own smartphones with Google’s Play Store or the supply of processors from the chip manufacturers. But now something is happening in favor of Huawei.

It began in mid-2019…

Huawei and several other companies were placed on the US Entity List in May 2019. This severely limited Huawei’s access to US technologies. As a result, the Chinese company had to remove Google applications on all new smartphones. This year, things continued and the US government imposed further sanctions. Now, since August of this year, chip manufacturers were no longer allowed to supply processors to the company. The U.S. government’s decision severely restricted Huawe’s ability to manufacture smartphones. A total of 150 Huawei companies were affected by the US government sanctions.

Sanctions will be eased!

According to reports, U.S. government sanctions on the supply of processors to Huawei are slowly giving way. It appears that the manufacturer has obtained a license from Qualcomm to resupply the Chinese company. This would allow Huawei to equip its smartphones with the latest Snapdragon chips. According to the reports, the Mate and P-Series again have Qualcomm technology on board. Officially there is no confirmation of this yet. However, when Qualcomm’s quarterly figures were released, it became apparent that the company’s revenues included a 1.8 billion payment from the Chinese manufacturer. According to the reports, Qualcomm is not the only company to have received permission to supply. The companies AMD, Samsung Display, Sony and Intel are now also supposed to be allowed to trade with Huawei again. TSMC is already supposed to produce chips for the company again.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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