The new Huawei smartphone “P30 Pro” will be officially presented on 26 March in Paris. In advance, however, the Group had already issued a report on the camera of the new device. This has been greatly improved over the predecessor models and is supposed to offer a night mode and a super zoom, among other things.
However, specifications for the super zoom did not follow. So far it is not known how strong the zoom will actually be. Since the predecessor model “P20 Pro” already has a fivefold zoom, it can be assumed that the “P30 Pro” will be even stronger. Rumor has it it it’s a tenfold zoom.
Furthermore, Clement Wong, who is responsible for Huawei’s product marketing, announced greatly improved recording at night. Here, too, the performance of the predecessor cameras is to be surpassed. However, no details were given on this point either.
All in all, Huawei seems to attach great importance to the camera of the new smartphone and to want to outdo the competition with it. So we can look forward to the interview on 26 March. Further information will follow.