
Nissan presents e-convertible Max-out

At the Nissan Futures event, Nissan unveiled an e-convertible. The car is called Max-out, looks extremely futuristic and is far from being ready for the market. As a study, however, it is definitely interesting – after all, e-cabriolets are a rarity.

Max-out: Futuristic E-Cabrio

The presented E-Cabrio looks futuristic (source: Nissan).

Even at first glance, the vehicle now presented is clearly different from the vast majority of other electric cars. So far, the competition has primarily produced SUVs and sedans. Sporty-looking convertibles with only two seats, on the other hand, are not yet on the market. Nissan is likely to attract some attention with this. Added to this is the vehicle’s extremely futuristic design. It is very angular and yet has many curves in its design.

The missing hubcaps are also eye-catching. Instead, there are displays. In addition to all these futuristic elements, there is also at least one retro aspect: The front end features a large air vent, as was often found on sports cars from the 1960s and 1970s.

Inside, however, the futuristic design continues. Nissan has opted for minimalism here: there are no superfluous elements and the angular steering wheel has been kept small. The display with instrument panel and infotainment system, on the other hand, stretches almost across the entire dashboard.

Nissan Max-out
The interior of the Max-out has a minimalist and futuristic design (source: Nissan).

Technical details not yet known

Technical details on the vehicle, which can be viewed during the event at Nissan’s headquarters in Yokohama, are scarce so far. Nissan has only indicated that it plans to use a so-called skateboard for several of the Out series vehicles. This is a chassis with a motor, battery, battery management and control electronics, and four wheels. This can be expanded in different ways and thus form the basis of various vehicles. Nissan wants to use a four-wheel drive and solid-state batteries here. Nothing more is known.

The presented study, which was announced two years ago, is still far from being ready for the market. Moreover, it is already foreseeable that the market-ready vehicle will differ significantly from the exhibition model. The displays on the tires, for example, are by no means suitable for the road.

Nissan has announced in 2021 that it intends to launch a total of 15 e-vehicles by the end of the decade. Whether the Max-out convertible now presented will be one of them is unclear. It does not seem impossible; however, a lot of work would still be needed.

Most recently, the company made negative headlines with its vehicles: Vulnerabilities could be uncovered in connected cars.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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At the Nissan Futures event, Nissan unveiled an e-convertible. The car is called Max-out, looks extremely futuristic and is far from being ready for the market. As a study, however, it is definitely interesting – after all, e-cabriolets are a rarity. Max-out: Futuristic E-Cabrio Even at first glance, the vehicle now presented is clearly different … (Weiterlesen...)

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