
Nokia devices to be produced in Europe again

Nokia is anything but dead. A few years ago, you wouldn’t have believed it. The iconic Finnish company was considered the number one cell phone manufacturer in the 1990s and 2000s. But with the iPhone and the resulting rise in relevance of smartphones, the maker of tradition-rich devices like the Nokia 3310, which has since found its way back into stores in a modernized version, sadly lost out. Since HMD Global took the smartphone division under license, things have been looking up again. Now the company also wants to revise its production. This is namely to take place in Europe again in the future, according to HMD Global.

Nokia again Made in Europe

The company HMD Global unites several brands and companies under itself. This includes the smartphone division of the world-renowned manufacturer Nokia. After the logo of the brand was changed for the first time in the now 60 years of Nokia history the next change now comes. The company wants to manufacture the devices in Europe again in the future. However, the changeover is not to take place in one fell swoop. Instead, it should be a piecemeal transfer to Europe. HMD Global now wants to initiate the first stage of the production shift. What exactly is supposed to be part of the first phase, however, the company still owes the public.

Marketing clou from HMD Global?

The fact that HMD Global is keeping details about its gradual production shift to itself then does have a certain taint to it. After all, more detailed information is missing to really assess the step and its scope. Who knows how many more steps will follow in the context of the production change. HMD Global can now at least give its smartphones the label “Made in Europe”. This could certainly be a selling point for many customers in the competitive smartphone market. This is also shown by the German manufacturer Gigaset, which advertises its devices with “Made in Germany”.

The Gigaset GX4 outdoor smartphone (test) recently showed that they can convince with a good quality in our test series. HMD Global does not only want to bring back production capacities to Europe. According to the company, they want to build new server structures on top of that. Whereby it concerns here rather an extension of already existing server plants. HMD Global has relied on storing data in Finland itself for quite some time in order to be able to offer its customers the highest possible data protection. We are curious to see how the company’s production conversion will be put into practice.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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