
Tesla Grünheide: Plant operations slowly getting back on track

After the power supply was interrupted at the Tesla plant in Grünheide near Berlin, operations were at a standstill for the time being. However, the factory lines are now slowly starting up again, which means that the feared financial loss for the car manufacturer is likely to be less than originally feared.

Activists paralyzed the power supply for Tesla

The Tesla plant in Grünheide primarily produces the popular all-electric SUV Model Y. This production had to be stopped for a few days due to a deliberately caused defect in the power supply. The so-called “volcano group” was behind the power outage. According to their own statements, the activists wanted to sabotage Tesla.

The Grünheide plant from above

And they obviously succeeded. All it took was the fire on an electricity pylon last week to paralyze more than just the car manufacturer. Neighboring households also suffered from the outage. The Brandenburg police are now investigating the group, which has been classified as left-wing extremist by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

Tesla is back on the grid

In the wake of the attack on the power supply, those responsible at the car plant reacted quickly. After the incident became public, Tesla initially had some bad news to announce. The car manufacturer assumed that production would be at a standstill until at least the end of the week due to the attack. However, energy supplier Edis was apparently able to restore the power supply more quickly than originally expected.

The company ensured that an active power connection for the factory was restored on Monday evening. Jörg Steinbach (SPD), Brandenburg’s Minister of Economic Affairs, is correspondingly delighted. He posted a short message of thanks to the energy supplier on X (formerly Twitter).

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However, it will probably be a while before Tesla can return to conventional production speeds. Until then, the e-car manufacturer will have to work with the handbrake on for the time being. A spokeswoman for the company states that it is not yet possible to say exactly when it will be possible to return to normal operations. We will have to wait and see.

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