
Tesla Model Y: More range in sight for an extra charge?

The range of an electric car is certainly one of the most important parameters. Tesla now wants to make customers’ desire for greater endurance worth an extra payment. The car manufacturer is apparently planning to increase the range of the Tesla Model Y for a payment of 2,000 US dollars.

Tesla in search of the master plan

Falling demand, strong competition, bad press about prestige projects such as the Cybertruck – things are anything but rosy at Tesla at the moment. And the poor economic figures are being felt first and foremost by the employees. After all, CEO Elon Musk probably wants to lay off at least 10 percent of the global workforce in order to restore his company to its former strength.

However, he will not be successful in the long term with this step alone. Rather, Tesla will probably also have to rethink its strategy on the market. The company seems to have one idea up its sleeve. It should soon be possible for new owners of a Tesla Model Y to increase their range with a one-off payment of, for example, 2,000 US dollars.

Good offer for Tesla Model Y owners

This idea should quickly and easily put many thousands of US dollars in Tesla’s pockets. After all, the offer is extremely attractive. Anyone who has bought a Tesla Model Y in the last few months will have to pay 1,500 or 2,000 US dollars, depending on the equipment line, to ensure more endurance. The one-off payment should provide up to 100 km more range.

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For example, anyone who owns a Tesla Model Y in the basic Standard Range version should be able to tickle a range of almost 515 km out of the E-SUV in this way. But why does the offer only apply to new owners of the electric car? This is probably due to the sales launch of the E-SUV with a longer range.

Anyone who has bought a Tesla Model Y in recent months is likely to be interested in a little more endurance from the electric car. Whether the idea will actually be implemented depends on the authorities in the USA. If they approve it, nothing stands in the way of extending the range for a one-off payment.

Also possible in Germany?

The concept is nothing new for Tesla. The company already offered more range for a one-off fee with the Model S in 2016. Whether the model will also catch on in Germany is still up in the air.

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