Consumer Electronics, Gadgets & Accessories

Yeedi Vac Station – vacuum cleaner robot with suction station in test

More and more people are getting active support from smart household helpers in their own four walls. Robot vacuums in particular can ensure that your home is always clean thanks to daily automated vacuuming. Many manufacturers now offer a wiping function that cleans up even the smallest dust particles. Yeedi is one of them. However, with its Yeedi Vac Max, the company not only wants to score with a hybrid device, but also with an associated suction station, which is supposed to relieve you of even more work. In the bundle, Yeedi calls it the Vac Station. Today, we want to take a close look at the vacuum robot with pleasingly flat dimensions as well as the associated suction station.

Technical data of the Yeedi Vac Max

Name Yeedi Vac Max
Navigation technique visual SLAM (camera)
Max suction 3,000 pascals
Dust container 450 ml
Vacuum bag suction station 2.5 l
Water tank 240 ml
Battery 5,200 mAh, 6h charging time
Cleaning time Up to 200 min
Dimensions 34.3 cm x 7.7 cm by 3.5 kg weight
Price Price not available * (without suction station), € 678.83 * (with suction station)

Scope of delivery of the Yeedi Vac Station

Together with the suction station, the scope of delivery is really impressive.

If you opt for the bundle consisting of the robot vacuum and the suction station, the scope of delivery is pleasingly lush. The package of the Yeedi Vac Max contains the robot vacuum itself as well as the charging station and power cord for the power supply. Furthermore, Yeedi includes a total of six wipes (one pre-assembled). The packaging of the suction station contains the station itself as well as a moisture protector, mounting kit (consisting of screws and screwdriver) and power cord. This is rounded out by extensive paperwork.

Yeedi Vac Station Design & Workmanship

With the Yeedi 2 Hybrid, the company brought its European premiere to the market some time ago. The manufacturer, which until then had only been known to experts, scored points right away. Above all, it was the flat dimensions that distinguished the robot vacuum cleaner from many of its competitors. It could even drive under small furniture without any problems to keep it free of dust. Those who already know the predecessor will also be able to immediately associate the Vac Max with Yeedi. After all, the design is almost identical.

So the latest smart vacuum also comes in a white, round design typical of robot vacuums. But it’s the height of just under 8 cm that sets it apart from manufacturers like Roborock and Dreame. To achieve these small dimensions, Yeedi does not use laser navigation and instead relies entirely on cameras for navigation. We will clarify whether these work competitively later.

On the back is the separately accessible water tank for the wipe function.

But even though the Vac Max seems almost like a clone of the 2 Hybrid, there is a small but subtle difference. While the predecessor had two brushes on the left and right, the Vac Max only has one. But that’s it for the visual differences. For example, the device lid can also be conveniently opened on the top to access the power switch and dust container.

On the underside, again, is the main brush, which can take on just about any dirt thanks to a combination of hairs and a rubber roller. Also on the underside we find the wiping surface. This is supplied with moisture by the water tank, which is accessible from the side. A big advantage is that you can remove the water reservoir without having to dismantle the dust container first. Very practical!

The suction station charges the battery and empties the dust bin of the Yeedi Vac Max

Optionally or in a bundle, you can secure a practical suction station in addition to the Yeedi Vac Max. This makes a similarly well-made impression as the vacuum robot and speaks the same design language with its combination of black and white. As with the robot itself, Yeedi also scores with its pleasingly compact dimensions. Thus, you can place the station perfectly even in small apartments.

Three screws are all that is needed to assemble the extraction station

Assembling the extraction station is easy. Yeedi includes the three screws needed and even a mini screwdriver so that even people without tools can screw the loading platform together with the suction unit, including the dust container. Three screws and the station is ready to use. By the way, thanks to the water protection, you can easily place this on your parquet or other moisture-sensitive floor.

Setup and App

Not only the assembly of the suction robot and suction station went quickly and easily from the hand. You shouldn’t have any problems with the other setup either, even if you’re a technology layman. Your first path should lead you to the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. You can use the QR code under the hood of the Yeedi Vac Max to download the appropriate app. Once you are in the app, you (unfortunately) have to create an account to be able to use it. Once you’ve done that, you’re ready to go. Simply click Plus to add the Yeedi Vac Max to the device list. Now simply follow the instructions displayed by the app step by step. Here you can integrate the vacuum robot into your network.

The Yeedi app is available for iOS and Android. (Image: Apple App Store)

Once the vacuum is in your WLAN, nothing stands in the way of the first cleaning tour. For this, the Yeedi app offers you different modes. You can choose between a classic complete cleaning as well as pure vacuuming or wiping. Thanks to the mapping of the vacuum, you can also define invisible walls or other prohibited zones that the Vac Max should leave out during its tour. A look at the map that the robot vacuum creates is satisfactory to good, but it cannot keep up with competitors that rely on laser navigation (e.g. Roborock S7). That would have surprised us in view of the “simple” camera technology. Nevertheless, the map was quite impressive in the test.

The practical test

Enough theory. Now let’s see how well the little vacuum does its job. As the owner of a Roborock S7, I was able to make direct comparisons to Xiaomi’s premium vacuum with laser navigation. Clear differences are already noticeable when just driving. While the Roborock gives the impression that it always knows exactly where it is, the Yeedi Vac Max has orientation problems from time to time. This not only looks funny, but also results in a problem.

The dust bin is accessible via the flap on the top.

Indeed, as the Roborock first scans the edges of a room according to system, the Yeedi Vac Max immediately draws paths in the room. Thus, it runs the risk of insufficiently cleaning the edges. However, these slight navigation problems are a maximum deduction in the B grade and are simply due to the camera system, which simply cannot keep up with laser technology. The navigation of a robot vacuum cleaner is not only supposed to provide a certain “suction strategy” in a room, but also ensure that it can drive unattended without getting stuck.

In testing, it always managed to do so without a hitch. The Vac Max did not have to admit defeat to any obstacle and always found the optimal route. In doing so, it not only spares itself, but also the furniture. After all, it only touches chairs and table legs very gently, if at all. Appropriate cushioning takes place thanks to the typical yielding “bumper” coupled with speed reduction. Once the Yeedi has done a complete cleaning of the apartment, there’s not much to complain about. This is probably not least due to the strong suction power of 3,000 Pascal. It was the same that let it suck away cat litter and cereal without any problems in our endurance test. In addition, the carpet detection, which automatically increases the suction power, also worked very well in the test.

You will probably only need to empty the vacuum bag in the suction station once a month

After cleaning is complete, the Yeedi Vac Max moves back to its charging station. If you don’t feel like emptying the dust container in the vacuum every week, you should take a look at the optional suction station. This ensures that you only have to empty the collected dirt once a month. In practice, both devices harmonized very well with each other. Thus, the vacuum robot was automatically vacuumed within a few seconds after sweeping in the station. A look inside makes it clear that the Yeedi Vac Max is then really completely emptied. In the station itself, the dirt ends up in a classic vacuum cleaner bag. The scope of delivery includes another bag in addition to the one already inserted.

Should pet hair or similar ever get caught in the brush, it’s easy to remove and clean it

With the battery, there were no endurance problems. To be honest, I have never had these with a robot vacuum anyway. The Yeedi Vac Max cleaned my almost 83 m² apartment on the highest level and with activated wiping function with a full battery without any problems. A second run would probably have been possible here. According to factory specifications, the Vac Max should even be able to last up to 200 minutes. Here, however, Yeedi certainly refers to the weakest level.

Rudimentary wiping function

The Vac Max is a so-called hybrid vacuum cleaner. This means that it offers another function in addition to vacuuming: Mopping. However, like almost all other robotic vacuum cleaners, the mopping function can be considered a small goodie at best. It can by no means keep up with a real mop. During the wiping process, the water from the water tank runs down towards the wiping cloth to moisten it sufficiently.

The water container can be conveniently removed and filled

What sounds good in theory doesn’t really prove to be an effective feature in practice. Thus, the vacuum simply pulls the cloth over the floor. However, it is always sufficient to wipe away the last dust residues that were not picked up during vacuuming. The Roborock S7, on the other hand, shows how a hybrid vacuum cleaner can work. This relies on a vibrating cloth, whereby a pore-deep cleaning can take place.

Conclusion of the Yeedi Vac Station review

In view of an MSRP of just under 350 euros (approx. 500 euros incl. suction station), there is actually little to complain about with the Yeedi Vac Max. Thus, it scores with us with a chic, compact design and a good suction performance. Despite the “simple” camera technology, the navigation did not weigh too negatively either. The Yeedi Vac Max works particularly practically in cooperation with the suction station. However, should you be looking for a hybrid vacuum cleaner with a usable wiping function, you will have to spend more money and reach for a device like the Roborock S7.

Yeedi Vac Station

Value for money


The Yeedi Vac Max offers a lot of suction robots at a surprisingly fair price. Especially in combination with the suction station, you get a great smart household helper here. However, you should not expect miracles in the mopping function.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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