Operating Systems, Applications & Web

How to Download Streams & Videos from Twitch

On the streaming platform Twitch TV, enthusiastic gamers can stream their games live and for some years now have also been able to upload videos. The only disadvantage of this is that videos and clips only remain temporarily on the channel after transmission. For all streamers and followers this means in plain language: If you don’t want your most popular videos to disappear into nirvana, it is advisable and sensible to download them. Which brings me to the actual problem, because the download of twitch streams needs to be tapped a bit more detailed.

As operator of the channel you can download your previous recordings directly in the video manager of Twitch. How this works exactly, we have explained in this article.

As a follower or viewer of a channel you have to use external solutions. We’d like to introduce two options: the website Untwitch to download single videos, and the popular software Twitch Leecher, which is especially suitable if you want to download videos regularly or on a large scale.

The online tool Untwitch

Under this link you will get to the Untwitch website, which allows you to download videos and clips on Twitch TV directly from your browser. Please note that Untwitch only downloads videos with maximum one hour running time. Longer streams are divided into segments.

The procedure is relatively self-explanatory: At the top of the page, enter the twitch URL of the desired video and then click on Submit.

Screenshot Untwitch – Home: Copy the link of your video or stream into the white field and confirm with “Submit”.

If your video was found, a new window will open. There you can select the desired download format and then click on the download button. In the following screenshot you can see that the sample video lasts longer than one hour. In this case, there is an option to specify the number of segments you want to split the video into.

Screenshot Untwitch – Download: In the download area you can select the desired format and – if the video runtime is longer than one hour – the number of segments into which the video should be divided


The Twitch Leecher software

The Twitch Leecher application is a third party solution that allows you to download videos and streams on Twitch even on a larger scale. Go to this GitHub link to find the appropriate .exe file to install the software on your PC first.

Twitch Leecher also requires little explanation. After opening the software, click on Search in the top bar (see picture, step 1), whereupon some search options are offered (step 2). For example, you can enter the name of any channel or the URL of a specific video. Under the IDs tab, you can also enter multiple videos if you want to search faster (the ID numbers are the numbers at the end of the URLs). Afterwards, start the search with the search button below (step 3).

Twitch Leecher – search options: Selects a preferred channel, a video URL or multiple videos using IDs and starts the search


In our example we have entered the exact URL of the desired video. This is now displayed in a new window. By clicking on the download button you can download it or start a new search.

Twitch Leecher – Video Download: If the search is successful, you will be presented the corresponding videos. You can download them via the “Download” field

Copyright: Please remember that you may use the downloaded video material for private purposes only, so that you do not violate any copyrights. This means above all: No uploading on other platforms without the consent of the respective streamer.

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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