
Apple Car: Tech company stamps out development of e-car

Most recently, even industry experts firmly believed that the Apple Car would soon see the light of day. However, the tech company has now announced that the project has been officially terminated. The company wants to concentrate on other things in the future.

The Apple Car is history

There is hardly a gadget from the Apple cosmos that has been as hotly debated in recent years as the so-called “Project Titan”. Behind the promising project name was the first electric car from the tech company headquartered in California. However, after many years of development at full speed, the ambitious pilot project has apparently come to an end. Even if this is not the first time that the development of the electric car has been declared dead, this time Apple seems to mean business. And that is very surprising.

apple car
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After all, the tech company only launched a real test offensive of its prototypes in 2023. According to a report in the Handelsblatt newspaper, the vehicles are said to have clocked up an impressive 730,000 kilometers. However, according to internal sources that Bloomberg claims to have tracked down, things are anything but rosy behind the scenes. Jeff Williams and Kevin Lynch did not have very good news for the staff of the Apple Car department. The Chief Operating Officer and Vice President announced the end of the company internally.

Common sense has won

The Apple Car would by no means have been the first electric car to be launched by a tech company. It was only at this year’s Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona that Xiaomi presented its first electric car, the SU7, which is due to go on sale in 2024. Perhaps Apple was simply afraid of being able to keep up with the competition. Internally, it seems to have been a difficult decision. “Project Titan” could have been continued. However, this would only have been possible with many problems. The final decision seems to have been the only right one.

Pressure from Apple shareholders

Apple’s investors could certainly have played a role in the decision. They exerted enormous pressure on CEO Tim Cook to abandon the development of the Apple Car. Apparently, the stampede seems to have paid off. Even though the tech company itself has not yet commented on the rumors, the share price has already risen by one percent. This is according to a CNBC report. But as we all know, one man’s joy is another man’s sorrow. Naturally, the employees of the relevant department must now fear for their jobs. More than 2,000 employees are said to have worked on the Apple Car. Bloomberg is already predicting a wave of redundancies. How big this will be, however, is still written in the stars. After all, Apple could certainly place a large number of them in other departments.

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