
Apple is reportedly planning a foldable iPhone for 2026

The rumors about a foldable iPhone have persisted for years. Now there are new indications that Apple could launch such a device on the market as early as 2026. What is behind this speculation?


Reports about a foldable iPhone have been circulating for some time, and now a market launch in 2026 seems increasingly likely. Various sources, including industry insiders, are reporting concrete progress in development. For example, “the information”, citing statements from insiders, reports that the market launch of a foldable iPhone is not too far off. The report also states that the smartphone could be folded sideways. If the rumors are true, this would be the first time that Apple has fundamentally deviated from the design it has had since 2007.

Brief summary

  • Apple is reportedly planning a foldable iPhone for 2026.
  • The device is to be particularly thin and foldable from the side.
  • Various designs, including one with a self-healing display, have already been patented.
  • High production costs could influence the market launch.

The latest information on the foldable iPhone

According to the report and other sources, Apple has made considerable progress in the development of a foldable iPhone in recent months. The project, internally referred to as V68, has left the so-called idea stage. Apple has already contacted Asian suppliers who are to deliver the relevant components. Similar to the Galaxy Z Flip, the device is to be foldable from the side and designed to be particularly thin.

Patented designs for the iPhone

Apple has patented several designs for foldable iPhones in recent years. One particular highlight is a model with a “self-healing display” that can repair small scratches on its own. The biggest challenge, however, remains the crease in the display, which is often perceived as annoying in previous foldable smartphones from competitors. Apple is working on eliminating this crease and at the same time making the devices extra thin.

Market launch and possible hurdles

The planned market launch for the foldable iPhone is 2026, although Apple has not yet officially commented on these rumors. There is a possibility that the project will be postponed or even discontinued if the technical or financial hurdles become too great. Production costs are another factor that could influence the market launch. Apple is actively trying to reduce costs in order to be able to offer the device at a competitive price.


The rumors about a foldable iPhone are intensifying and a market launch in 2026 no longer seems unrealistic. We can now look forward to seeing whether and how Apple masters the technical challenges and brings the device onto the market at an acceptable price. If Apple succeeds, the foldable iPhone could become a new milestone in smartphone development.

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