
Patent applications: Is Apple working on a smart ring?

With the Vision Pro, Apple currently has a brand new and, above all, exciting piece of technology in the pipeline. But according to rumors, the next announcement could soon follow. The US tech company is said to be working on a smart ring.

A challenge to the competition

According to experts, smart rings could soon play a far greater role in our everyday lives than is currently the case. The market is not really big at the moment. With the CNICK Payment Ring, we have already tested a smart piece of jewelry that is primarily used for making payments. However, the possibilities of such smart gadgets can be far more diverse. For example, there is nothing to stop the ring being used to measure health data. It could also be used as a kind of remote control for other gadgets. This makes smart rings a modern alternative to a wearable.

Samsung has presented the Galaxy Ring. (Image: Samsung)

Behind the scenes, Apple also seems to be working at full speed on such a ring. So far, the whole thing has happened at a leisurely pace. It is possible that the announcement of the Samsung Galaxy Ring could have ensured that the US tech company is now stepping on the gas pedal. A report in the South Korean Electronic Times suggests that there may be some truth to these rumors. The industry newspaper presents extensive evidence. Apple is said to have recently filed various patents that suggest the development of a smart ring.

Strategically sensible for Apple?

With the alleged patent applications, the Electronic Times naturally has solid evidence in hand. However, it is always important to consider what advantages such a ring would actually have for the US tech company. It is clear that Apple would also create a competitor product to its own Apple Watch with a smart ring. Many people would probably prefer a lightweight, smart ring that can measure health data but doesn’t need to be charged every day, especially when tracking sport.

The smart ring from CNICK is used for payments thanks to NFC

Conversely, such a ring could appeal to a whole new group of buyers who don’t want to wear a smartwatch all day but still want to use the tracking features. Using it as a remote control could also be extremely exciting. The Apple Vision Pro, which will be released in 2025, comes to mind here in particular. The ring could also be used as a practical little helper for two-factor authentication. After all, experts have been working flat out for years on an alternative to the insecurity of traditional passwords.

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