
Tesla plans to present fully automated cab in summer ’24

Tesla actually announced its in-house robot cab years ago. However, the electric car manufacturer has not yet followed up its words with action. Now the time has suddenly come in August 2024. This is when the fully automated electric car is to be unveiled.

Tesla presents robot cab in August

For years, e-car manufacturers around the world have been trying to turn their vehicles into fully automated vehicles. Tesla in particular has made no secret of the fact that its number one goal is to create a self-driving car. The driver should simply take a seat and be driven from A to B like in a cab. However, despite numerous attempts, the company has so far failed to get its “full self-driving” ready for the market.

Numerous setbacks in further development, coupled with various accidents caused by some partially self-driving Teslas in the USA, have pushed the goal into the distant future. However, according to Tesla boss Elon Musk, the company has continued to work hard behind the scenes. After all, he has now announced on X that Tesla’s first robot cab will be presented as early as August 2024.

Reaction to criticism

To be more precise, the time has come on August 8. This means that the presentation will take place in just four months. In view of the fact that nothing has been heard about the prestige project for several years, this sounds quite ambitious. Meanwhile, we will have to wait and see whether the project has any substance. After all, the announcement could also have been a hot-headed reaction from Musk.

His post was a reaction to a critical report by the Reuters news agency. In this report, the agency not only pointed out that the US car manufacturer had deviated from its plans for an affordable new e-car with a price tag of less than 25,000 euros. It also mentioned the robot cab that had been announced a long time ago but was never released.

Will there even be a classic steering wheel in Tesla’s robot cab? (Image: CNICK)

In his response, Musk not only accused Reuters of lying when it comes to canceling the low-cost Tesla. He also brought up the robot cab again and immediately announced its upcoming presentation. However, he was probably unaware that his announcement indirectly confirmed the rumor about the cancellation of the low-cost Tesla.

After all, Reuters referred to internal sources at Tesla in its article. These sources probably said that Musk had reassigned tasks internally. Employees who previously worked on the “Tesla Model 2” were to concentrate on the robot cab from now on. Incidentally, the reason for the premature cancellation of the low-cost Model 2 is said to be the strong competition for low-cost e-cars from China.

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