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MVP: Meaning and background

Today, we encounter the abbreviation MVP in various contexts – in sports broadcasts, on TikTok, but also in the professional environment. What is meant is not always the same object, which can make it difficult to understand. In this text, we clarify the question of the meaning of MVP – referring to all conceivable uses!

MVP in sports

“What does MVP mean?” Anyone who has ever watched an American sports broadcast without being particularly firm in the related slang will have asked himself this question sooner or later. The answer is simple: MVP stands for Most Valuable Player. The abbreviation thus necessarily refers to a single person who is singled out as the most valuable or best player. The awarding of the title is known, for example, from basketball or from American football. The designation is officially awarded in various leagues and is roughly comparable to the Player of the Year award in German sports.

MVP Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (right) has been named NBA MVP six times, holding the NBA record.

Over time, there has been an expansion of the semantics of the term, especially in youth language. MVP, derived from the original meaning, is now also used in other contexts, where it is used as a kind of honorary award. This can be observed in particular in social media, for example on TikTok. So if someone is titled MVP there, it is meant in an extremely positive way.

MVP: Meaning in software development

In addition, the abbreviation MVP is also used in software development. Here the three letters stand for Model View Presenter. Here it concerns a design pattern for software, which represents a further development of the model view controller. The goal of this design pattern is to separate the program logic more strongly from the optical view. The stricter separation of the individual components is also intended to improve testability. Both design models are used today.

In software development, MVP stands for Model View Presenter.

MVP in product development

The third MVP meaning is found in the area of product development. Here MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product, the minimum functional product. The term originated in the context of the Lean Startup method, which was developed in 2001 by several entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley.

In product development, MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product, the minimum functional product

The basic idea behind MVP is simple: instead of a maximally developed product, the minimum functioning variant should be developed and thrown on the market. The goal is to test whether the product idea works with as little effort as possible. If it does, the MVP can be further developed into a fully mature product. The MVP differs from a prototype in that it is already functional and is brought to market.

Summary: MVP – this is the meaning

The abbreviation MVP can have different meanings. The MVP meaning Most Valuable Player is particularly common in sports. In addition, the abbreviation is used in software development (Model-View-Presenter) and in product development (Minimum Viable Product).

Simon Lüthje

I am co-founder of this blog and am very interested in everything that has to do with technology, but I also like to play games. I was born in Hamburg, but now I live in Bad Segeberg.

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Today, we encounter the abbreviation MVP in various contexts – in sports broadcasts, on TikTok, but also in the professional environment. What is meant is not always the same object, which can make it difficult to understand. In this text, we clarify the question of the meaning of MVP – referring to all conceivable uses! … (Weiterlesen...)

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