
Tineco FLOOR ONE Stretch S6: Finally a flat mop vacuum cleaner

With the Tineco FLOOR ONE Stretch S6, the expert in smart household solutions is revolutionizing its previous lineup of vacuum sweepers. Thanks to HyperStretch technology, the device can be laid flat on the floor, meaning you can finally reach areas under flat furniture with ease.

Tineco FLOOR ONE Stretch S6 scores with flexibility

Tineco is considered the industry king when it comes to squeegees. However, the manufacturer’s previous squeegees share a problem. The rather pot-bellied design and the limited flexibility of the head joint mean that areas under flat furniture cannot be reached. This is now changing with the Tineco FLOOR ONE Stretch S6.

tineco floor one stretch s6
I was able to try out the Tineco FLOOR ONE Stretch S6 at a Tineco event in Berlin

Thanks to HyperStretch, the manufacturer’s new addition can lie completely flat on the floor. This makes it possible to access many areas that were simply out of reach for classic vacuum cleaners. When lying down, the household helper can then be moved just as comfortably thanks to small auxiliary wheels, not just forwards and backwards.

Fresh water tank in the cleaning unit

To ensure that the FLOOR ONE Stretch S6 really fits under flat furniture, it was not only necessary to adapt the joint. The manufacturer also repositioned the fresh water tank to shrink the appliance to a total height of just 13 cm when lying flat. The 850 ml tank now sits on top of the cleaning unit, which should not only save space.

tineco floor one stretch s6

On top of this, the water tank exerts pressure on the cleaning roller, at least when full, which in turn should ensure effective cleaning of even dried stains. Furthermore, the changed center of gravity ensures that the appliance is easier to maneuver than its siblings with a fresh water tank in the main unit.

Flashdry system ensures fast drying

Naturally, Tineco has also equipped its Tineco FLOOR ONE Stretch S6 with a self-cleaning function. The tried-and-tested Flashdry system is used here. This is started at the touch of a button and is incredibly fast. After the roller has been cleaned of dirt residues for two minutes with 70°C hot water and continuous bidirectional rotation, it is then dried with 70°C hot air within five minutes.

tineco floor one stretch s6

The Tineco FLOOR ONE S6 Flashdry Pet already proved how well this works in our test. The dirty water produced during floor and self-cleaning ends up in the 720 ml dirty water tank. This has a 3-chamber system in which the liquid is separated from solids. A new filter with a sieve-like attachment ensures that animal hair does not end up in the dirty water tank in the first place.

Tineco FLOOR ONE Stretch S6 with well-known power

When it comes to cleaning performance, Tineco models are right at the forefront. For this reason, the manufacturer also relies on familiar technology for its Stretch model. Firstly, there is the iLoop dirt sensor. With its help, the vacuum wiper automatically adjusts the power to the respective degree of soiling. You can then see the results of the sensor on the display of the smart household helper.

A total of three cleaning modes are available to you. In addition to Auto and Max mode, there is also a suction mode. This should be used when liquids need to be vacuumed up. Furthermore, the rimless cleaning roller ensures that you don’t have any ugly dirt marks on your skirting boards. The battery performance is also good. The squeegee should be able to last an impressive 40 minutes.

Price and availability

With its latest household appliance, Tineco has apparently managed to skillfully eliminate the Achilles heel of its previous lineup. The Tineco FLOOR ONE Stretch S6 is now available at an RRP of 599.00 euros.

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With the Tineco FLOOR ONE Stretch S6, the expert in smart household solutions is revolutionizing its previous lineup of vacuum sweepers. Thanks to HyperStretch technology, the device can be laid flat on the floor, meaning you can finally reach areas under flat furniture with ease. Tineco FLOOR ONE Stretch S6 scores with flexibility Tineco is considered the industry king when it comes to squeegees. However, the manufacturer’s previous squeegees share a problem. The rather pot-bellied design and the limited flexibility of the head joint mean that areas under flat furniture cannot be reached. This is now changing with the Tineco … (Weiterlesen...)

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