So far, WhatsApp users have little control over which groups they end up in. If someone adds them to a group, they are automatically members – whether they like it or not. In the current beta version for iOS, a new feature has appeared that gives users of the popular chat service more freedom.
This new feature allows users to decide for themselves who can add them to groups. However, there are no plans for targeted filtering to exclude individual contacts as possible additions. It will only be possible to grant everyone, only the stored contacts or nobody the right to automatically add their own number to groups.
If the option “Everyone” is selected, nothing changes. If “Contacts only” is selected, only contacts can automatically add their own number to a group. All other group admins can then only invite the respective user into their groups, whereupon the user must decide whether he wants to become a member or not. If “Nobody” is selected, only invitations in groups are possible. These invitations expire automatically after 72 hours.
It is not yet known when this function, which clearly serves to protect privacy, will be made available to the general public.